Danielle Fogel
Danielle Fogel is an artist living in Fairfax, CA. Originally from Houston Texas, she came to the S.F. Bay Area to earn a B.F.A. from the San Francisco Art Institute. Danielle is a strong advocate of Arts Education and involved with local foundations and institutions that support the arts and humanities in the schools.
Artist’s Statement:
With my recent mixed media work I am exploring the idea of a quilt: parts and layers linked together to make a whole. I use translucent material to investigate how light and shadows can either be controlled or create interesting contrasts of chance.
I try to use as much found and recycled materials as possible. I appreciate the notion that these materials add an additional element of history to the piece; i.e. wood framing that was once a fence picket, and tissue that once wrapped a gift becomes a background.
I have always enjoyed using birds and animals in my art. I like to learn how other cultures symbolize these creatures, and then construct my own interpretation. Most recently, I have focused on studies or quick compositions where I depict stanzas of poetry from Wallace Stevens and John Keats. My attempt is to create a “mind’s eye view” of the poet’s verse.